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Tahbilk Winery

Wine and Spirits · Tabilk, Victoria
Website: tahbilk.com.au

The story of Tahbilk Winery begins with the land and the river. This place is known as tabilk-tabilk, ‘place of many waterhol ... es’ in the language of the Daung-wurrung clans, the first people; a name which perfectly describes the landscape. Established in 1860 we believe Tahbilk is the most beautiful and historic family-owned winery in Australia, located in one of the nation's premium viticultural areas. The property itself comprises some 1,214 hectares of rich river flats with a frontage of 11 kms to the Goulburn River and 8 kms of permanent backwaters and creeks. In 2013 Tahbilk became carbon neutral recognising we are ultimately farmers whose produce is affected by a changing climate, further restoring the delicate balance once known by the Daung-wurrung clans. Our promise to our customers is the creation of iconic wines and experiences worth sharing which celebrate our history and commitment to a sustainable legacy for future generations to come. read more

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