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Internet · Menlo Park, CA
Website: www.swivl.com

We are the world leader in video technology, currently in more than 50,000 schools and businesses across the globe. To be a S ... wivl user means never missing an important moment in your school, classroom, or event. Whether your needs are for live or recorded video, we have a solution for you. Our software platform makes it easy to reflect, share, and both provide and receive meaningful feedback from peers, mentors, administrators, and coaches. Our patented robot is able to uniquely track a teacher or speaker as they move around a room, and with the multi-camera capabilities that only we offer, not only is the speaker captured, but the interactions that occur in the room are recorded as well. Combined with the superior audio quality of our markers, which when placed around a room allow you to clearly hear every voice, we make it possible to easily create a 360° view of any classroom or event. Swivl is award-winning, research-backed, trusted by educators, effective for improvement, and a sustainable practice. Implement our program to create a culture of support in your school, institution, or business today. twitter.com/swivl facebook.com/goswivl read more

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