Sun Ark GmbH - Similar companies

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Sun Ark GmbH

Chemicals ยท Hanau, Hessen

Sun Ark GmbH is a non-ferrous metal products trading company located in Hanau, Germany. As a 100% subsidiary of SunArk Alumin ... ium Industries Private Limited, India, we are committed in supplying our customers with high-quality products as per their requirements under our trademark brand name Lucule. Our product range covers non-ferrous metals with special focus on Aluminium in the form of Powder, Granules and Paste. We serve customers in many industrial applications We pride ourselves in our deep technical knowledge and expertise in serving our customers. Our experienced staffs assist the customers in selecting products matching their technical requirements; accompany sample testing, then to the larger production trials to make sure that our products go through the most strict quality standard of the customers. SunArk Aluminium Industries Private Limited, India has been certified with ISO 9001:2008 by the LRQA. We have also register our material under REACH as per the European norms. read more

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