Created by celebrated chef-teacher Sukhi Singh, Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods is a family operated, woman-owned company founde ... d in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1992 following an increasing demand for Indian cuisine using premium, natural ingredients. One of only a handful of USDA-certified and third party audited Indian food vendors, Sukhi’s brings the nourishment, stories and enchantment of India to home chefs and foodies with a taste for the exotic. Sukhi’s culinary creations are available to the public in leading natural and specialty food stores nationwide including Whole Foods, as well as fresh at farmer’s markets and grocery stores across the San Francisco Bay area. Sukhi’s products are available to the trade through national and regional natural/specialty food distributors, and in commercial portions for food service applications, including hot bars and institutional dining. Sukhi’s is closely tied to its community through non-profit organizations, including C.H.E.F.S (Conquering Homelessness through Employment in Foodservice). Sukhi herself has also been involved with Narika, an organization dedicated to ending domestic violence, which recently recognized Sukhi’s with the Community Business Impact of the Year award. read more
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