Studybuddy UK - Similar companies

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Studybuddy UK

Education Management · London, London

Studybuddy offers one-on-one tuition for pupils in Primary school, through to A-levels and employ only the best university st ... udents from the UK:s top universities as Study Buddy tutors. Unlike other tutoring firms and agencies, we match tutees and tutors based on personality and interests, rather than just subjects. Our Study Buddies represent the future work force of the UK and we encourage all of our tutors to act as role models towards their tutees. Our goal is to provide the best tuition in the UK, but it's just as important for us to be the best employer for university students and we pride ourselves on providing "The perfect part time job" We are often the first employer for our Study Buddies and we take on the role of a stepping-stone towards our employee’s future careers within medicine, finance, engineering, law and much more. In order for us be the stepping-stone we want to be, we provide our employees with interesting seminars, networking events and we also help out with CV and cover letter checks, as it's time to graduate and move on to a full time job. Our Study Buddies represent the future elite of the London work force and they aim to pass on their skills, knowledge and motivation to their tutees. As our tutees become successful university students themselves, we want to see them returning to Studybuddy again, but this time as tutors. read more

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