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Stratos Internet Group, Inc.

Internet ยท Cleveland

Stratos Internet Group, Inc. was Ohio's largest privately held Internet services provider (ISP) from 1995 through 1998, when ... it was acquired by CoreComm Ltd. The Beginning In 1996, STRATOS Internet Group, Inc. was formed on the premise that a small group of dedicated individuals could provide reliable Internet-related services at never-before-seen low prices and compete in a market dominated by a few large companies. Our unprecedented growth since proves our approach was right. Our commitment to serving our customers influences our every action and is responsible for our every achievement. This commitment is part of a never-ending mission to strive for quality in everything we do. Clients First Clients' needs are our chief reason for being in business. We strive to make it convenient and essential for our customers to do business with us. We operate under the understanding that our interaction with the public, whether it's on the telephone or in person, will influence how the marketplace views us. Our clients find immediate, courteous assistance - without jargon - when they deal with our representatives. Staff Strength Honesty and integrity are the two main priorities of STRATOS. We pride ourselves on the cumulative talent and enthusiasm of our staff. Our corporate strength is built on the strength and diversity of the team we've assembled. We must stand on our reputation and integrity; there are no short cuts, rationalizations or gray areas. This philosophy, coupled with innovation and efficiency, have garnered STRATOS Internet Group, Inc. the respect of our customers and industry peers. read more

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