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Strategic Investment Group

Investment Management · Arlington, VA

Strategic Investment Group®, a pioneer in dedicated Outsourced CIO (OCIO) solutions since 1987, offers a comprehensive servic ... e platform for managing customized portfolios for institutional investors. Our proprietary process combines active portfolio management, rigorous risk management, and open architecture manager selection. Strategic functions as our clients’ investment partner and co-fiduciary, effectively becoming an extension of their resources. Clients are then free to focus on their core businesses, while we focus on providing the highly specialized portfolio management expertise that clients need to meet their investment goals. Depending on a client’s needs and preferences, Strategic can orchestrate the management of an entire portfolio comprising multiple asset classes, focus on specific asset classes, such as alternatives (e.g., hedge funds, real estate, and/or private equity) or international investments, or manage strategies with high potential for adding value (e.g., portable alpha). Customized liability-driven investing (LDI) solutions, whether through an integrated total portfolio approach or a targeted long-duration strategy, are also available, as are solutions that address mission-related investment objectives. We strive to build enduring partnerships with our clients by strengthening their investment programs through a dynamic, value-enhancing investment process, sound governance framework, and world class client service. Our mission is to empower investors through experience, innovation, and excellence. Visit our website at ®Strategic Investment Group is a registered service mark of Strategic Investment Management, LLC. read more

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