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Computer Software · Cambridge, Massachusetts

StormForge, formerly Carbon Relay, brings together world-class data scientists and software engineers to enable businesses to ... drive breakthrough IT and operations efficiency. The StormForge Platform is set apart by its unwavering focus on building AI-powered software products that are designed to help people, not replace them. The Platform is built to help DevOps teams release with confidence and IT leaders to realize the promise of cloud-native – faster innovation with higher quality, resiliency, scalability, and efficiency. The company's solutions uniquely occupy a middle ground between machine and human intelligence where they leverage the strengths of both for maximum effectiveness. The StormForge Platform uses machine learning to drive major application performance gains and cost reductions in complex environments in development so that you can release with confidence. In February 2020, StormForge announced funding (as Carbon Relay) from Insight Partners to accelerate the growth of its Platform. StormForge was founded in 2015 and is based in Cambridge, MA, Washington, DC and Cologne, Germany. Learn more at: read more

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