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Stephen Gaynor School

Education Management ยท New York, NY

A pioneer in special education, Stephen Gaynor School is an independent, nonprofit Pre-K, Lower, and Middle School for bright ... students with learning differences. Founded in 1962, Stephen Gaynor School provides a highly individualized educational program in a rich, rigorous, and nurturing environment in which students gain the skills and confidence necessary to learn, grow, and reach their full potential. Nearly 400 students ages three to 14 attend our school with a range of learning differences, from Attention Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to speech, language, and reading delays such as dyslexia. With more than 50 years of experience in special education and a dedication to continuous improvement, Gaynor has the expertise to help children break down barriers to learning, build self-esteem, and realize academic success. Our expert staff provides an unparalleled level of personal attention in a nurturing environment allowing students to be academically challenged, yet supported every step of the way. For employment opportunities, visit read more

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