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Stephen & Associates, CPA P.C.

Accounting ยท Washington, District of Columbia

We are a Washington DC based CPA (Certified Public Accountant) Firm. We specialize in Auditing & Assurance Services, namely U ... niform Guidance/Single Audits (formerly called OMB A-133), Employee Benefit Plan Audits, Commercial (For-profit) entities Audits, Not-For-Profit Organization Audits, etc. Our Assurance services include Reviews of Financial Statements. Our Accounting services include Compilation of Financial Statements of commercial (For profit) entities and Not-for-Profit organizations. Our Tax services cover all business Tax return types (1120, 1120s, 1065, 990, 1023 etc. ) and all Individual Tax return types (1040s, Schedule Cs etc.) Our Financial Systems implementation & Management services cover major ERPs such as SAP, Oracle read more

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