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Stellar Networks

Broadcast Media ยท Seattle, WA

GAYBC/Stellar Networks was founded by one of the pioneers of the webcasting industry. After playing a pivotal role in the ado ... ption of streaming audio and video at RealNetworks, John McMullen would go on to create the first niche-audience targeted streaming entertainment service in the United States. Originally called GLOradio Corporation, the company changed its corporate identity in 1999 to Stellar Networks, and rebranded its inaugural content offering to the GAYBC Radio Network. The 24/7 news, talk and entertainment channel built a global audience of more than 2 million listeners. In 1998, representatives of WorldSpace (then a 20% stakeholder in what would become XM Satellite Radio) approached McMullen about the idea of integrating GAYBC and other channels the company would develop into their soon-to-launch platform. Under the Stellar Networks banner, with GAYBC's successful growth among the LGBT community, additional channels were developed including Athena Radio, a 24/7 talk and news channel for Women, as well as partner-branded content for Teens with Seventeen magazine, and other niche audiences. An imminent satellite distribution deal was in negotiation with XM Satellite Radio but failed when General Motors ordered XM to avoid placing LGBT-specific programming on its service in late-2001. The ensuing financial market volatility that followed the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks served as a final blow and Stellar Networks ceased operation just six months ahead of projected positive cash-flow. The success of the endeavor did, however, lead to the GAYBC leadership team being recruited to develop talk and entertainment content for then-XM competitor Sirius Satellite Radio the following year. read more

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