Team brainstorms. Department celebrations. Weekly work perk. Pitch or client meeting. Whatever the reason for that working lu ... nch, there’s only one way to order that makes every mouth happy: STADIUM. DIFFERENT RESTAURANTS DELIVERED TOGETHER. HOT & ON-TIME. EVERY TIME. Ordering lunch, for two, 22 or 200, is a headache. While client lunches remain essential and team lunches are becoming a new work perk, the system for ordering them is still dated (aligning different taste buds to choose just one place; navigating multiple dietary restrictions; the headache heaped upon the poor person put in charge of placing and handing out the order). Enter STADIUM - where the best dishes in New York meet on ONE menu and every group member can order whatever they want, from as many places as they want, and it all gets delivered together, hot and on time, every time. Want a Spicy Thai Salad from sweetgreen, Turmeric Jalapeño Lemonade from Mulberry & Vine and Air-Baked Fries from by Chloe while your colleague wants a Burrito from Oxido and a Dirty Lemon? DONE. read more
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