St. Monica Center for Rehabilitation & Healthcare - Similar companies

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St. Monica Center for Rehabilitation & Healthcare

Hospital & Health Care · Philadelphia, PA

St. Monica Center is a 180 bed skilled nursing facility located in the heart of South Philadelphia. It was the realization of ... a long-held dream of former Pastor of St. Monica Parish, Monsignor Aloysius Farrell and his aunt, Mary Townsend, when they set aside funds for the purpose of providing a Catholic nursing residence in South Philadelphia. Today St. Monica Center provides long-term care and short-term rehabilitation for the elderly in a caring, supportive, neighborly environment. The interdisciplinary team of nurses, social workers and rehabilitation experts as well as others are all dedicated to meeting the individual needs of each resident. The entire staff focuses on making residents and families feel at home and welcome. Our caring and professional staff adhere to the philosophy that “Our residents don’t live in our facility, we work in their home.” Virtual Tour: read more

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