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St. Mark's Episcopal School

Education Management · Houston, Texas

Located in the West University Place neighborhood of Houston, St. Mark’s Episcopal School serves 485 students from two-year-o ... lds through 8th grade. St. Mark's is an engaging community of learners where the school partners with its families in preparing each student for the path that lies ahead through a stimulating, whole-child school experience. Through offerings in athletics, performing and visual arts, technology, Spanish, and a robust curriculum, St. Mark's prepares its graduates for the many high school options Houston offers, and successfully places its students in high schools which best fit each. St. Mark's is an Episcopal school, and as part of the St. Mark's Episcopal Church parish, is known as a community environment and second home to over 350 families. The school is committed to its positive relationship with families, believing strongly in the power of a fully engaged dynamic between school and home. As a place where children are known, teachers understand what it means to meet children where they are, which plays a crucial role in fostering each child's spirit. read more

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