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St. Joseph Healthcare

Hospital & Health Care · Bangor, Maine

St. Joseph Healthcare, a member of Covenant Health, was founded in 1947 by the Felician Sisters with a mission to support the ... overall wellness and healing of a patient’s mind, body and spirit. St. Joseph Hospital, located in Bangor, Maine, is its 112-bed acute care community hospital. It is modern, accredited and offers medical, surgical, orthopedic and cardiopulmonary care, laboratory services, physical and occupational therapy as well as a 24-hour Emergency Department and a Skin and Wound Healing Center. OUR VALUES Compassion We show respect, caring and sensitivity towards all, honoring the dignity of each person, especially the poor, vulnerable and suffering. Integrity We promote justice and ethical behavior, and responsibly steward our human, financial and environmental resources. Collaboration We work in partnership, dialogue and shared purpose to create healthy communities. Excellence We deliver all services with he highest level of quality, while seeking creative innovation. Serving Patients and Community St. Joseph Healthcare employs more than 800 people in more than 30 departments. Our dedicated people extend the very best care to others by living our wholistic mission each and every day...a mission that encompasses compassion, competence and community. To learn more about us, please visit read more

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