St Dominic's Priory College Adelaide - Similar companies

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St Dominic's Priory College Adelaide

Higher Education ยท North Adelaide, South Australia

St Dominic's Priory College is a Catholic girls school located in North Adelaide close to the city. Founded in 1884 by Domini ... can Sisters from England it has, together with Dominican schools around the world, a long tradition in education with the common goal of inspiring in the members of its communities a love of learning. The Dominican motto is "Truth", and the pursuit of truth wherever it is to be found is seen as essential to its philosophy of learning. Acting on that truth in outreach to the neighbour is the desired outcome of this pursuit. In a school for girls from Reception to Year 12, St Dominic's caters for approximately 700 students giving the school an excellent opportunity to nurture character and confidence. At the centre of education at St Dominic's is the core value of respect for the dignity of each person, the value that lies at the heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Educationally, this is lived out through fostering the unique qualities and gifts of each child and young woman in a secure and loving environment. A strong emphasis is placed on the value of community that, in turn, encourages a spirit of joy and enthusiasm. To achieve this sense of community students are encouraged to participate in small and large events and learning experiences which enable them to contribute and to understand that everyone has a part to play. The many co-curricular activities offered to students also foster confidence and self esteem within the community. The College has a strong emphasis on building the community of families through providing opportunities for parents to be a part of whole school activities and celebrations, and to play a part in fund raising activities. An important value at St Dominic's is the promotion of outreach to the community beyond the school. This is achieved in diverse ways through action and service to local and overseas communities. read more

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