St. Aloysius' College, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork - Similar companies

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St. Aloysius' College, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork

Primary/Secondary Education · Co. Cork, Munster

Choosing to attend St. Aloysius’ College is choosing to follow a certain path, one that is an exciting opportunity for self-d ... iscovery and success. In St. Al’s, we pride ourselves on offering our students an outstanding education within an inspiring, challenging and stimulating environment. We have a strong tradition of securing excellent academic results and support every individual to succeed in whatever field she chooses. Our aims are built around recognising each girl as an individual with her own talents and motivations and we do our best to help each girl to set goals which inspire her to exceed even her own expectations. We believe that the greatest successes are achieved by those who are happy within themselves and within their environment and so we aim to provide a caring atmosphere by minimising rules and maximising opportunities and challenges. Our students are nurtured and supported to enable them to become resilient and independent young women, who will achieve anything to which they set their minds. We are committed to providing our students with a range of opportunities to develop their character and leadership skills. Furthermore, we actively encourage our students to become good citizens, fully involving themselves in the whole school community and the world beyond. True to the vision of our founders, the SMG Sisters, our students have a great many opportunities to discover their talents and develop a strong sense of responsibility. We value their individuality and celebrate their diversity, encourage our girls to think for themselves and to understand the importance of patience, perseverance and teamwork. It is our ultimate aim that when our girls leave school, they leave as St. Al’s girls, at ease with themselves, socially aware and ready to face with confidence the challenges of life beyond. read more

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