The imminent incorporation of the newest entrant to the Australian Corporate Entity list. SRO Enterprise Group (of SA) intend ... s to launch a number of subsidiary companies in the near future to achieve its goals of sustainable employment of those in receipt of payments from the Department of Human Services in Australia. This will be a process undertaken once relevant goals in the companies development are achieved. Once sufficient income is generated, those in receipt of Veterans Affairs Pensions will be issued letter of offers from the SRO Enterprise Group. The initial release will see a "proof of concept" stage to ensure expected results are achieved. This will see the launch of SRO Aerospace Developments, SRO Robotics, SRO Electronic Engineering, SRO Applied Computing, SRO Defense Systems, SRO Global Energy Solutions, SRO Global Logistics (possibly outsourced), SRO Industrial Manufacturing and, SRO Trading Corporation (Imports/Exports). The result will see 41% of the National Budget Expenditure from Federal Government returned. Additional revenue from income tax for those previously utilising Government support payments will also be generated. We are in development of the appropriate documentation (Deck) to finalise Venture Capital Seed Funding of $AUD20 Million. Each aforementioned subsidiary company will generate funding for infrastructure, stock and staffing from IPO releases expected to generate significant levels of financial capacity. read more
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