Srcm Srl - Società Romana Costruzioni Meccaniche Srl - Similar companies

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Srcm Srl - Società Romana Costruzioni Meccaniche Srl

Mechanical or Industrial Engineering · Cisterna di Latina, Latina

SRCM, Società Romana Costruzioni Meccaniche, deals with the design, construction and installation of industrial plants. Over ... 20 years of experience make SRCM a company able to create complete plants and main plant elements. From design to construction and post-sales service, SRCM is organized to provide its customer with the best support, modeling services and skills based on the specific needs of each job. In doing this SRCM puts to good use both the experience gained over the years and the skills constantly refined, all together with the updated technological equipment. Operators, facility and technologies that deal with the entire supply chain activities of: design, construction, control and certification; required by the large client systems, particularly in the chemical and petrochemical, food and pharmaceutical sectors, power plants and paper products. read more

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