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Higher Education · Manchester
Website: spritehub.org

SPRITE+: The Security, Privacy, Identity, and Trust Engagement NetworkPlus SPRITE+ brings together people involved in researc ... h, practice, and policy interested in the future of security, privacy, identity and trust in our digital economy. We are funded until 31 August 2023 by the EPSRC as part of its Digital Economy programme. SPRITE+ is led by a consortium of five universities: University of Manchester (lead institution), Imperial College London, Lancaster University, Queen’s University Belfast, and University of Southampton. Our Management Team is supported by a multi-disciplinary group of 150+ Expert Fellows and non-academic Project Partners. We currently have 14 Partners from different sectors, including industry, government, law enforcement, and civil society. Join us: spritehub.org/register Email: admin@spritehub.org Twitter: @SpritePlus read more

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