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Southeast Aerospace

Airlines/Aviation ยท Melbourne, Florida

Southeast Aerospace was created to provide higher level of service, products, and quality to the aviation industry. Throughou ... t years of organic growth and development, Southeast Aerospace has provided high quality avionics Parts Sales, Repairs, Modifications, and Systems Integration to the industry. Keeping pace with the ever-changing aviation world, Southeast Aerospace now provides many additional services including FAA DER level Engineering, Air Transport integration and STC development, FAA Part 21 certified PMA structural manufacturing, and detailed Kit fabrication. Our FAA, OEM, and Military qualifications, certification, approvals, and authorizations are expansive and encompass the target markets we specialize in. Please see our website segments to view our numerous accomplishments and qualifications. Southeast Aerospace specializes in Special Mission aircraft and modifications. Aircraft OEM approved parts and service suppliers. PMA manufacturing for numerous structural & electrical products. Please see our website for extensive, detailed, and comprehensive information. read more

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