SOLAYER GmbH - Similar companies

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Machinery ยท Karlstein am Main, Bavaria

SOLAYER GmbH is a surface technology company headquartered in Germany, specializing in thin film deposition and surface treat ... ment. The worldwide presence of SOLAYER GmbH is supported by two German technology centers, in Kesselsdorf near Dresden - the capital of Saxony and the semiconductor center of Europe - and Karlstein near Frankfurt am Main - the center of the "Materials Valley" and origin of the German vacuum industry. With technology in focus, it is our passion to set new standards in vacuum coating. SOLAYER GmbH is specialized in vacuum coating and surface modification using plasma technologies. In close cooperation with international partners, SOLAYER develops and produces customized systems and processes. Our technological core competencies include sputtering technologies for the deposition of high-precision functional and optical thin films. The portfolio of SOLAYER GmbH includes components and tools for research, pilot plants and mass production. Customers are supported from process development to industrial production in the areas of Precision Optics, Opto-Electronics and Sensors. read more

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