Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - MUN Student chapter - Similar companies

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Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - MUN Student chapter

Oil & Energy ยท St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Mission Statement SPE Memorial University of Newfoundland student chapter has a mission to further Petroleum engineering know ... ledge amongst student members while enhancing the professional and social bond between students and the Oil and Gas industry. Events SSPE schedule a variety of events each year as part of students development, preparing them to be future petroleum engineers and bringing them closer to the petroleum industry. Professional Events These consists of technical presentations by Oil and Gas industries, Ambassador lectures, taking part in Atlantic Canada section meetings and Young Professionals (YP) activities, and professional development workshops. These are great avenues to learn about new technologies, discoveries, current events and much more. Social Events Socializing provides students with the opportunity to get to know their peers, professors as well as industry professionals in a more relaxed environment. Events include field trips, industry night, sports competitions and other invitational social gatherings. Technical Conferences and Exhibitions By participating in various technical conferences and exhibitions hosted by our parent organisation, SPE International, students are provided with the most current happenings in the petroleum industry in terms of technological innovation, research and developments as well as career developments. All student members are highly encouraged to take part in the SPE Annual Student Paper Contest. Volunteering Activity SSPE aims to be at the forefront in terms of giving back to the community. Part of the activities the society plans to get involved in includes: Run for the cure for breast cancer in Canada, AIDS Walk for Life in Newfoundland and Labrador and various on-campus activities. read more

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