SML - Space Maintainers Laboratories - Similar companies

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SML - Space Maintainers Laboratories

Medical Equipment · Chatsworth, California

SML specializes in the design, construction and adjustment of orthodontic and orthopedic appliances: removable and fixed appl ... iances; retainers; snoring and OSA appliances; bruxism and TMD splints; mouth guards, treatment partials, study models and digital imaging services and more. We partner with the dental practitioner to create new treatment opportunities, exploring new ways to expand a practice (without the necessity of adding new patients, staff or equipment), and fabricate appliances to address the restorative, preventive and cosmetic needs of a patient base. In short, SML provides access to everything a practice needs to ensure success – from appliances and treatment planning to products and supplies to diagnostics and in-depth practice consultation. read more

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