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Signature Mazda

Automotive ยท Richmond, British Columbia

Signature Automotive Group Ltd operates in Richmond, British Columbia. Located in North America's largest Auto Mall and rated ... by J.D. Powers as a top destination for an automotive purchase. Signature Mazda a division of Signature Automotive Group Ltd ranks as one of the top Mazda Dealerships in the World and for the last decade has and continues to be the largest retailer in Western Canada. The Mazda mantra "if it's not worth driving, it's not worth building" is evidence of the brands passion for excellence. Signature Mazda is an extension of this passion and offers the ultimate personal experience for car buying. As the only Mazda franchise to "price guarantee" what it sells, consumers can feel at ease that they are never paying too much. In fact to this day Signature Mazda is one of the few Dealerships across North America that offers the over-night test-drive at no charge. The non-pressured, hassle-free approach to car selling at Signature Mazda has earned them not only an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, they have also earned the coveted Consumer's Choice Award for best Automotive Dealer in British Columbia for both 2010 and 2011. Signature Mazda has a 2 million dollar state-of-the-art facility that was completed spring of 2011. Gourmet complimentary beverages, free wifi, digital widescreen TV, cozy personal couches, children's play area, snack and beverage areas plus a whole lot more make the Signature experience one to remember. read more

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