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Sidey Ltd

Construction · Perth, Perthshire

Since our foundation in 1932, Sidey’s programme of sustainable and controlled growth has resulted in the company becoming one ... of the most successful and sustainable window and door manufacturers & installers in Scotland. Employing over 100 full time staff, we take personal development very seriously, and our dedicated and happy staff ensure that we are able to provide the best products and services for every client. Within the industry we are renowned for our extensive in-house training programme and have invested heavily in recycling, as well as developing specialist skills and tools to keep us at the competitive leading edge of our industry. This focus has allowed us significant successes in all areas; our work with Local Authorities and Housing Associations continue to exceed 98% tenant satisfaction and our - Newbuild and Development Sectors. Fenestration specialists on and offsite, we have developed innovative solutions for the offsite construction sector, including the original KitFix® System and Scratchguard™. We consistently achieve recognition from external bodies and organisations, winning awards and commendations for our innovative solutions including: • 2013 - Specialist Contractor & Most Innovative Sub-Contractor • 2014 - LHC Project of the Year with Fife Housing Association & Most Innovative New Product • 2015 - Most Innovative Housing Consultant • 2016 - LHC Delivering Excellent Quality Award with Clackmannanshire Council • 2017 - Insight Data Top 100 Fabricator & Installer 2017 read more

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