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SeeWriteHear, LLC.

Publishing · Scottsdale, AZ

We founded SeeWriteHear in 2000 to pursue information equity for people with disabilities by transforming content, researchin ... g new technologies, and providing education for clients across industries. Our comprehensive portfolio of services covers all forms of information access, including print materials, internet accessibility, education, video and film content, and multimedia content in physical and virtual spaces. We assist clients in achieving both compliance and usability standards by delivering products and services of uncompromising quality. Our team takes pride in enabling end users of all abilities to more fully participate in culture, study, and economy. Using a content-independent media conversion process, we offer a full range of accessible formats and software applications, including Braille and Tactile Graphics, Large Print, closed captioning, accessible MS Office and PDF documents, DAISY Digital Talking Books, and an Accessible Testing System. SeeWriteHear's products not only allow a broad range of people with disabilities to gain access to information, they also help organizations successfully comply with federal legislation, such as Section 504 and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. We are proud to be a US-based company with deep expertise in print and digital accessibility, having assisted in the creation of the WCAG guidelines, as well as several other accessibility standards, including chemistry braille and audio MathML. Our headquarters are located in Scottsdale, Arizona with a second production facility in Lafayette, Indiana. SeeWriteHear’s in-house development team continually improves systems and processes; revolutionizing tools and applications to advance accessibility technology. Contact us to today to learn how our customizable solutions can solve your accessibility challenges. read more

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