Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry - Similar companies

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Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry

Higher Education · Seattle, Washington

The School of Theology and Ministry’s curriculum aims to address the current needs and questions of today’s world by equippin ... g leaders with interdisciplinary knowledge, field-based professional skills, and spiritual frames of meaning. We have signed formal partnership agreements with 14 Christian denominations and works with more than 24 interfaith collaborators. This provides a dynamic context for studying about faith community leadership. The School of Theology and Ministry offers 6 graduate degrees, 3 professional certificates and professional development courses. The School of Theology and Ministry’s Contextual Education internship program integrates classroom learning with real-world field experience. Students intern with nonprofit-organizations, hospitals, government agencies, for-profit companies, and places of worship to integrate student learning with meaningful work in the greater Seattle community. The School of Theology and Ministry’s grants and endowments allow us to launch special initiatives that connect our unique mission with the needs of our world and give students unique opportunities to participate in faith-based social action. • Center for Religious Wisdom & World Affairs • Economic & Pastoral Leadership Projects • Networking Religion for the 21st Century The School of Theology and Ministry has been accredited by the Association for Theological Schools (ATS), Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, and COAMFTE Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education. read more

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