Seattle Tacoma Box Company - Similar companies

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Seattle Tacoma Box Company

Packaging and Containers ยท Kent, Washington

The Seattle Box Company, originally established as Queen City Manufacturing Company, was founded by Jacob Nist in 1889 and no ... w has over 130 years of service under the same family management. In 1924, the Nist family also started a sister plant in Tacoma, known as Tacoma Box Company. On July 7, 1975, these two plants joined as Seattle Tacoma Box Company and started production here in Kent. We design, develop, and manufacture a variety of products for the agricultural, industrial, and seafood markets. Whatever your needs - from wood to plastics, corrugated, high graphics, point of purchase, or just-in-time inventories, we can help set you apart from your competition. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality service for our customers while maintaining affordable and low costs. Beginning with Jacob, six generations of Nist family members have made contributions to the success of Seattle Tacoma Box Company along with the success of the daughter company with a basis in Central California under the name of SeaCa Packaging. read more

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