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Screaming Circuits

Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing · Canby, Oregon

Screaming Circuits® is the pioneer, since 2003, in the online quick-turn on-demand pc board assembly market. From a single pr ... ototype, to thousands of on-demand production PCBs, our mission is to solve electronic assembly problems for you: - Do you need to cut a week or two out of your design schedule? - Do you need to get those really tiny or super challenging parts on your board? - Can't get the time of day from your production pcb assembly shop? We assemble prototype and short-run production pc boards in an environment backed by 50 years of world-class electronic assembly manufacturing experience, and dedicated to managing the uncertainties of prototyping. We're here because you need to get on to your next design, or working on firmware, or drinking a latte. Send us the work, and you can get back to what you need to doing - your boards will appear on your shipping dock like magic read more

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