Schulz Group, Power Systems by Timken - Similar companies

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Schulz Group, Power Systems by Timken

Industrial Machinery · East Haven, Connecticut

The Schulz Group has been an industry leader in electric motor, controls and generator services for over 100 years. Our group ... was founded on the simple principles of providing world class quality service and repairs, coupled with exceptional customer service. The Schulz Group’s ultimate goal is to help our customers increase production while reducing and eliminating unplanned downtime. Now part of The Timken Company, the Schulz Group is dedicated to expanding its proven reputation as the leader in complete power train repair solutions. The Schulz team works closely with our sister company, Smith Services, located in Princeton, West Virginia. Smith Services serves a 15-state region from an impressive 180,000 square foot facility strategically located in the I-77 industrial corridor. This facility is one of the largest of its kind in the United States. read more

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