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School of Medicine and Surgery

Medical Practice · Monza, Lombardia

Developing next generation of Medical Leaders who will transform medicine. Uniquely positioned to meet the evolving needs of ... tomorrow’s health care professionals, University of Milano-Bicocca’s School of Medicine and Surgery (SMS) is a Master degree program in academic partnership with the University of Bergamo and the University of Surrey (UK) and in clinical partnership with the prestigious Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital (Bergamo). The program endeavors to offer a multidisciplinary and inter-professional educational experience fostering an integration of knowledge and skills, open-mindedness, scientific and critical thinking, caring attitude, and a holistic approach to health care needs. The program uses state-of-the-art educational curriculum and gives hands-on experience throughout the medical degree. Our students come from different backgrounds and find themselves welcomed by leading faculty who are ready to train the next generation of clinicians and researchers. read more

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