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Scholarly Elite Tutoring

Education Management ยท Barrie, Ontario

Scholarly Elite targeted learning programs catalyze academic success using enriched standards of learning. The customized one ... -on-one tutoring model provides exceptional education by encouraging both inquiry and curiosity. Focusing on high academic standards and opportunities for individualized mastery, students build the foundation for a lifetime of discovery and success. The Elite Method features a supportive learning environment that fosters self-confidence in students while celebrating excellence in performance. Individualized academic mastery is at the core of the Elite Method. Aligning a formal educational program with each student's personal learning preferences optimizes skill development in all scholastic areas. A comprehensive assessment is used to delineate each student's personal learning needs and subject goals. Instructional strategies and success criteria are then developed based on this evidence-backed inquiry. Scholarly Elite educators build targeted curricula in accordance with each student's academic goals and the provincial curriculum. Success is enhanced by implementing each personal learning plan with the one-on-one, in-home support of an Elite Certified Tutor. Nurturing academic confidence through student-focused, collaborative support provides the environment necessary for lifelong success. read more

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