Over 150 years ago, Schoedinger Funeral and Cremation Service - Grove City was founded as a family-owned business. This funer ... al planning team has been focused on serving the community since 1855, and provides the highest levels of care for families from all backgrounds and faiths. The company motto says it all: “Creating Healing Experiences.” Not only can the funeral home staff assist with burial or cremation coordination, but they provide top-notch event and reception support. A few unique offerings make Schoedinger Funeral and Cremation Service - Grove City unique. For example, a Grief Therapy Dog is available to provide support and comfort. A variety of burial and cremation products can be purchased through the funeral home, such as urns, caskets, vaults, permanent memorials, and more. Additionally, memorial websites are offered to replace traditional obituaries, where memories and photos that can be shared. Families can create celebratory experiences through beautifully catered receptions or memorial ceremonies that include dove, balloon, or butterfly releases. Utmost security, dignity, and respect are offered for every individual, including the friends and family of the deceased. Certified Celebrants and experienced funeral directors are just a phone call away, offering personalized funeral planning support. These services can be used for an immediate, unexpected event that needs to be planned. Or, families can reach out in advance for preplanning support. Available services are offered throughout Central Ohio, including Grove City, Dublin, Worthington, Lewis Center, Reynoldsburg, and more. Families can contact Schoedinger Funeral and Cremation Service - Grove City to schedule a consultation. This personal conversation is designed to help families learn about available funeral and cremation services. The nearest funeral home is conveniently located at 3920 Broadway Grove City, OH 43123. Call at any time to talk to a caring funeral director: (614) 875-6333. read more
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