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Scale Squared

Management Consulting · New York, New York

It's no secret that the typical ‘Strategy Office’ model is broken. Over-leveraged, under-resourced, and managing through waxi ... ng and waning political capital, Chief Strategy Officers (CSOs) and strategy leads across industries are challenged to drive meaningful outcomes. CSOs are being asked to achieve more with less; advancing their organization, maintaining and building a team, and constantly managing pressures tied to the dreaded “individual contributor’ model, all while internal business partners continue to hire external consulting talent to achieve their objectives. It’s a dubious cycle that leads to subpar outcomes. While industry leaders recognize the need to be more agile, they struggle to achieve the right balance of internal strategic projects and external consulting spend; they struggle to SCALE. That’s where we come in. Scale Squared (Scale) works with organizations to promote and amplify the effectiveness of strategy functions from within - seamlessly integrating to become part of corporate culture while promoting growth and ownership of a single unified team. We offer an innovative twist on external spend and the reactive approach companies take when employing temporary talent. We ask our clients to question this strategy, and together, build a more effective and lasting model to achieve their Strategy Office directives. We help our clients reduce external costs, while retaining knowledge internally, by building a team together. Your team. Scale stands on the shoulders of Acquis Consulting Group ( In many ways, Scale is a natural progression of our involvement in the Fortune 500 – A response to common challenges faced by today's most successful corporations and cyclical use of consulting teams. Scale offers the ability to rapidly respond and maximize success when faced with the challenges of an ever-shifting marketplace. read more

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