Sanctus - Similar companies

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Health, Wellness and Fitness ยท London, England

Sanctus is a purpose-driven mental health organisation, focused on providing support in the workplace. After all, that's wher ... e most of us spend most of our time. We provide this support through Sanctus Coaching: our unique proactive and preventative 1:1 coaching, designed to help people navigate life's ups and downs, and enable them to be the best versions of themselves - in and out of work. We have an incredible community of partners, made up of brilliant businesses throughout the UK. We work with startups, like Onfido and Carwow. Brands like Red Bull, Vice and VaynerMedia. Corporates like Boston Consulting Group, Just Eat, KFC and Aviva, and a whole host of agencies, consultancies, studios and businesses in between. read more

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