Samsung SDS Cello Logistics - Similar companies

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Samsung SDS Cello Logistics

Logistics and Supply Chain · Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

Samsung SDS was established in 1985 and is well recognized as the number one IT Solution & Service Provider in Korea. With it ... s innovative IT technology, SDS developed the integrated logistics solution called “Cello” in 2010, started its logistics business in 2012 and expanded its logistics business with BPO(Business Process Outsourcing). The revenue of 2016 is approximately 3 billion USD which is accounting for 42% of the company’s gross revenue. At the beginning, we had focus on Samsung's volume, but we already had logistics expertise on overall supply chain and logistics, and now we are in competition with other global 3PLs. Now, we provide three types of Cello services as below. Cello BPO(Business Process Outsourcing), Providing comprehensive logistics services encompassing logistics innovation consulting and execution service which include ocean/air/inland/railroad transportation, warehouse management and customs clearance that a state-of-the-art IT system and global logistics network. Cello Plus, Consisting of 9 suites, is integrated solution based on a single platform and supports across all areas of supply chain management an logistics. Cello Square, An open logistics marketplace that enables transaction between shippers and LSPs by leveraging Samsung's cutting edge IT. All in one logistics platform for eCommerce.(Cello Express) Contact point : Website: Facebook: YouTube: read more

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