Sampo Group is made up of the parent company Sampo plc and its subsidiaries If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd, Mandatum Holding Lt ... d, Hastings Group (Consolidated) Ltd and Topdanmark A/S. The parent company administers the subsidiaries. Sampo plc is also a major shareholder in Nordea, the Nordic banking group and Nordax, a leading niche bank in Northern Europe operating in consumer lending market. Sampo plc holds 15.90 per cent of the shares in Nordea and 36.25 per cent of the shares in Nordax. Sampo plc's A share has been listed on Nasdaq Helsinki (previously the Helsinki Stock Exchange) since 1988. Sampo plc coordinates Sampo Group's investment operations, capital allocation, risk management, Group accounts, investor relations, corporate responsibility, as well as legal and fiscal matters. Sampo Group operates in the insurance sector and employs professionals of various fields, such as financial specialists, mathematicians, IT developers, investment managers, legal counsels, accountants and sales consultants, as well as people from various other professions. We provide a range of interesting career opportunities for experts in different fields and in a number of countries. Sampo Group employs approximately 9,927 people, 70 per cent of whom work in If, 24 per cent in Topdanmark, 6 per cent in Mandatum Life and less than 1 per cent in the parent company Sampo plc. In geographical terms, 30 per cent of the Group's personnel is located in Denmark, 23 per cent in Finland, 23 per cent in Sweden, 14 per cent in Norway, 10 percent in the Baltic countries and less than a per cent in other countries. The Managing Director of Sampo plc and the Group CEO is Mr. Torbjörn Magnusson. Sampo's office is located in Helsinki and it employs approximately 60 people. For more information, please visit read more
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