Governance The utility is governed by the Board of Water Commissioners, which consists of three members of the Saint Paul Cit ... y Council, two Saint Paul citizens, and two representatives for the suburbs served by SPRWS. Administration The utility has four divisions - business, engineering, distribution, and production. Each operates under the direction of a division manager. Administration: Patrick Shea - General Manager Appointed by and responsible to the Board of Water Commissioners. Oversees the utility. Assistant General Manager Oversees safety, security, public information, the Business Improvement Unit, and human resources. Acts in place of the general manager when the general manager is not available. Business Division: Dolly Ludden - Manager Oversees customer service, financial services, information services, and meter operations, which includes meter reading. Engineering Division: Dave Wagner - Manager Oversees engineering projects, permit office, utility-wide asset management, and the capital improvement program. Distribution Division: Todd Blomstrom - Manager Oversees construction crews and dispatch office. Production Division: Jim Bode - Manager Oversees McCarrons treatment plant, dewatering and wash water recovery plant, water quality laboratory, and Vadnais Station. Financials No taxes are used to support the utility. The utility is self-supporting with revenue obtained through the sale of water and payment for services. The Board of Water Commissioners was set up pursuant to Minnesota Special Laws for 1885, Chapter 110, and provides authority to establish rates that are sufficient to pay the expenses and costs for maintenance and repairs, and the interest and principal on debt. State law establishes the Board and provides that the rates are adequate to cover the costs of operation and maintenance, and to retire all bonds. read more
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