Saffron Housing Trust Limited - Similar companies

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Saffron Housing Trust Limited

Real Estate · Long Stratton, Norfolk

Formed in 2004, Saffron Housing is a dynamic and successful housing association that is committed to providing quality homes ... and services. We operate in four counties across the Eastern Region, delivering affordable homes to those in housing need, including specialist homes for older and vulnerable adults. We provide housing services to customers in over 6,000 homes throughout the area, with a focus on Norfolk and Suffolk. Saffron is a not-for-profit organisation where the surplus from our activities is reinvested back into the business to further improve our performance and the quality of services we offer our customers. We operate from a strong financial base and employ almost 200 members of staff who are committed to our vision of ‘quality homes for positive futures’. As part of our drive to develop new affordable homes in Norfolk and Suffolk, we are committed to helping solve the housing crisis. We have ambitious plans for the future, with a focus on continually improving our services, creating greater efficiency and improved performance in our processes, and helping to shape and support local communities. We believe in clear two-way communication with our customers and providing tenants with a voice. We are an Early Adopter of the National Housing Federation’s ‘Together with Tenants’ initiative, demonstrating our commitment to tenant representation and improving housing services. Our recently-refreshed Board and enhanced Executive Team are leading the company in an organisation transformation programme that will provide our staff with the tools, knowledge and skills to deliver on our aims. With unprecedented demand for affordable housing, we have the opportunity to deliver better services for our existing customers and build the new homes that the people of Norfolk and Suffolk need. read more

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