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Sabra Global

Investment Banking ยท Aventura, Florida

Sabra Global Group is an investment, management and holdings organization involved in the business of real estate, constructi ... on, management, finance, software, technology, media and special situations. As part of its portfolio of investments, the Group is also involved in the hospitality industry, real estate holdings and shopping centers, technology and financial services through some of its subsidiary companies. Each of the subsidiary companies is its own entity and has a branch network for business generation and service delivery in its respectable field. Sabra Global Group formulates and invests in people and companies whose ideas and strategic goals are consistent with those of our company. We partner with innovative thinkers and doers whose unique ideas, strong management teams, and demonstrated ability help bring solid and stable returns to our company and our in certain cases our investors and banking partners. Providing equity investments from within our own family of investors, Sabra Financial Group and its affiliated companies has a solid, proven track record and a bright future. Our management team with over 100 years in combined experience has a proven ability to focus on winning ideas, successful companies, and strong business partners, proving that hard work, a good team, and bright ideas can bring success to all those involved. read more

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