S&A Capital is a global investment firm. We are constantly developing new insights into global markets and industries. We hav ... e an uncompromising determination to achieve excellence in everything we undertake. While recognizing that the old way may still be the best way, we constantly strive to adapt to newly evolving version of global market place. Our assets are our people, capital and reputation. Our continued success depends upon unswerving adherence to the highest ethical principles of integrity and honesty. We take calculated risks – when prudent – as a condition of winning. We strive to be unique, to set the standards for others, and to demonstrate our ability to sustain and grow. We believe in potential of emerging economies. The last decade saw the BRICs make their mark on the global economic landscape. Over the past 10 years they have contributed over a third of world GDP growth and grown from one-sixth of the world economy to almost a quarter. We expect this trend to continue and become even more pronounced. We are also a major investor in Balkans, Baltics and CIS countries. read more
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