3S Business Corporation Inc - Similar companies

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3S Business Corporation Inc

Staffing and Recruiting · Houston, Texas
Website: www.3sbc.com

3S Business Corporation is a specialized Software & Consulting Services Provider based in Houston, TX, which helps clients pl ... an, implement and maintain their technology investments cost effectively while improving the business performance. 3S Business Corporation’s customers find it to be nimble, responsive and committed not only to project & services success, but to constantly delivering customer value.We work with fortune 500 companies, several prime vendors and provide placements to our candidates with these companies. We are a primary supplier to direct clients and major Implementation partners. 3S Business Corporation partnership and alliances with global leaders helps to work on the latest technologies to provide business efficiencies for customers and partners. Using our industry knowledge, service-offering expertise and technology capabilities, we identify new business and technology trends and develop solutions to help clients around the world, providing high-end reliable and cost-effective IT services. We also have a national and offshore footprint through our 12 sister companies throughout the United States. Besides an onsite presence at key locations globally, the company headquartered in India has an extensive offshore infrastructure for Applications, BPO, and Infrastructure services. We have a global footprint with delivery centers all over the world, and dedicated staff to support us in delivery value to customers. read more

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