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RYDAN Security & Investigations

Security and Investigations ยท Richmond Hill, New York
Website: www.rydansecurity.com

RYDAN Security and Investigations offers a comprehensive range of protective and investigative services as well as advance se ... curity systems. For more than 15 years, RYDAN has brought stability to businesses, organizations, and individuals by mitigating risk and enhancing security. The RYDAN team has an array of technical, investigative, and analytical skills fostered by rigorous internal training as well as the years of law enforcement, corporate, and military experience. This knowledge is leveraged in providing discrete services to all of our clients. Our investigation exposes individual and business history to compile a comprehensive pre-employment screening, residential applicant check, and due diligence reports. These discoveries are utilized to make informed business decisions that save valuable resources and protects assets. The same diligence is brought to other investigative services including undercover, non-primary, theft, and trademark investigations as well as security operations. read more

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