Rudolf Virchow Center of University of Würzburg - Similar companies

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Rudolf Virchow Center of University of Würzburg

Research · Würzburg, Bayern

The Center derives its name from the eminent 19th century German pathologist Rudolf Virchow, who was the first to map the cau ... ses of diseases at the level of individual cells. Scientists at the Rudolf Virchow Center focus on so-called target proteins, central regulatory biomolecules derived from diverse cell types with a causal connection to human health. About 100 scientists work at the Rudolf Virchow Center in the field of target proteins. Structural biology, molecular microscopy, proteomics and mass spectrometry are just some of the key technologies established in our research groups. We offer a modern and international working environment on the Medical Campus (University Hospital Würzburg) in Germany. The Center is integrated into a stimulating research environment that includes the Biocenter, the Research Center for Infectious Diseases, the University Hospital, the Max Planck Research Group in Systems Immunology, and the Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research among others. All doctoral candidates are supervised by the University of Würzburg's Graduate School of Life Sciences in order to guarantee a high standard of quality in their doctoral studies. read more

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