RRG Group Fleet (0161-728-8202) - Similar companies

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RRG Group Fleet (0161-728-8202)

Automotive ยท Manchester, Lancashire
Website: www.rrgcontracthire.com

RRG Group Fleet is the Business to Business Division of the 8 brand RRG vehicle dealer group based in the North West of Engla ... nd. We are a department dedicated to looking after business customers. We provide nationwide service to supply all of our franchised brands through direct customer contact and being the preferred provider for most of the major contract hire, leasing and fleet management companies. RRG is the largest Toyota dealer in Europe, operating from 9 sites in the Greater Manchester area and 3 in West Yorkshire. This is complemented by 4 Lexus, 3 Mazda, 2 Peugeot, 1 Kia, 1 Nissan, 2 Suzuki & 1 Skoda dealerships. There are a further 2 Accident repair centres. read more

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