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Environmental Services · Gold Coast, QLD

RoyaleGard® is delivering a tidal wave of change in multiple industries with its nanotechnology leadership. Specialising in f ... our core areas of the Window Film market: Architectural, Automotive, Safety/Security and Decorative, as well as the five key markets within the Specialty Films area: Aerospace, Transportation, Healthcare, Information Display and Building materials. RoyaleGard® is completely disrupting the way consumers and professionals view these offerings. The ability to formulate products based on our client’s required specifications is a testament to the importance of our relentless attention to innovation, a hallmark of RoyaleGard®. We have a great network of “Innovation Centers” teeming with talented engineers, product designers, researchers, and product managers who are focused on new product and technology development. Nanotechnology innovation is the key to expanding market size, entering new markets, and accelerating growth. We believe in continually challenging accepted standards, exploiting, adapting, and improving technologies to create better products for higher-value brands. read more

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