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Royal Indian Raj International Corporation

Real Estate · Vancouver

Royal Indian Raj International Corporation (RIRIC) is an American Corporate Vehicle. The firm has a country specific focus to ... wards the Indian Nation. Recognising the potential of the emerging economic environment in the wake of sweeping economic and structural reforms in India the firm acts as a conduit for advanced technologies in those essential infrastructure categories accorded high priority status by the Government of India. RIRIC implements leading edge technologies and products in strategic alliances with world class International Corporations introducing them to national blue chip opportunities with aview to significant market penetration Having the ability to converge the various business ventures creates extra revenue generation otherwise unavailable to stand alone business ventures. For example, commercial and residential construction will be linked to highway recycling and construction. The Company’s Master Development Plan introduces leading edge technologies through a systemic integrated business strategy that is intended to roll out over two five-year periods. Email Website read more

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