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Rollins 3PL

Logistics and Supply Chain · Springfield, Ohio

Established in the late 1800’s by H. W. Rollins in Springfield, Ohio, Rollins has evolved into a full service logistic organi ... zation. From its humble beginnings delivering cargo off of trains in Springfield, Rollins now services the world. Rollins has remained family owned over the years with H.E. Rollins taking over from his father after returning from WWII. Grandson Mike and great grandson Tim Rollins currently operate the company. Over 120 years later, Rollins has built a solid reputation for delivering logistic solutions around the corner and around the world. Rollins core services include Distribution, Transportation, Warehousing, Packaging, 3PL and 4PL Services and MIL-Spec Packaging. But we are much more than that, we are business partners. In a commodity driven industry we break the mold. Our company mission is to build value into every logistics task we do. Whether it is creatively packing 25% more product into every crate or personally traveling across the globe to ensure your materials arrive and are distributed on time and defect-free. And we back our words with actions - just ask our growing list of satisfied customers. read more

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