Roedel Parsons Blache Fontana Piontek & Pisano, A L.C. - Similar companies

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Roedel Parsons Blache Fontana Piontek & Pisano, A L.C.

Law Practice ยท Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Providing quality, timely and affordable legal, governmental, and litigation services to individuals, businesses, and governm ... ental agencies throughout Louisiana. Our Goal___Our goal has always been to offer quality legal services in a timely manner at an affordable price. By attracting exceptional law school graduates and accomplished lateral hires, we have enhanced the scope of our legal services to include nearly every area of law. Over the years, we have experienced sustained growth while continuing to uphold the goals and principles upon which our firm was founded. Our Principles___The demands and pace of our profession are forever changing, but our principles and standards remain the same. Responding to your needs in an efficient manner is our priority. Tailoring our legal services to meet your individual needs, our diverse team of talented attorneys will work together to seek the best course of action for your unique situation. Our Mission___It is our mission to meet the needs of those who experience the challenges, struggles and successes of life. Our client base, business opportunities and reputation in the community have given us much to be thankful for, and we appreciate your consideration of Roedel Parsons for your legal needs. read more

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